Hier stellen die beiden Co-Autoren eine operative Methode zum Verschluß kleiner und mittlerer Trommelfelldefekte mittels Transplantatentnahme von der Nasenschleimhaut vor. Diese Operation kann direkt durch den Gehörgang erfolgen und besticht durch ihre Einfachheit.


Myringoplastik mit autologem Schleimhautepithel-Transplantat


In tympanoplasty fascia of the temporal muscle, perichondrium and cartilage of the tragus are most commonly used as a transplant for covering tympanic membrane defects. In this study the autors investigated the use of autologous nasal mucosa as a transplant for covering small and middle sized tympanic membrane defects. The authors treated 12 patients between 5 and 75 years of age with an endomeatal tympanoplasty technique using autologous nasal mucosa as a transplant. In 11 patients the tympanic membrane defect could be sealed completely and permanently. Under certain circumstances autologous nasal mucosa which is prepared very easily can be used among other tissues as a transplant for covering tympanic membrane defects.